Williams died today.....

only been a few hours since I heard, and the collective talking
points of those local radio personalities who knew him ( through one
San Francisco project or another ) is that he wasn't himself lately..
simple.....not noteworthy. A regular person wouldn't give that
phrase a second thought. The second I heard those words, the picture
I know far too well came into view, and in that instant I understood.
written about depression before, and for those of you who don't know
its something I've been dealing with my whole life...I had been
living a manic emotional existence from as far back as I can
remember....not until 1998/9 was I actually diagnosed with anxiety
and depression.
I've chosen to tell people, the manic elements of the disease seem to
be the hardest for them to understand. “But you're
depressed....surely it just that you want to just do nothing....”
me...(and its specifically unique for everyone who suffers)....every
thought has a hundred answers or questions.... and every one of those
has five hundred possible next steps....on and on....until your head
is swirling with every variable, and in all scenarios, fear is ever
present, guiding, cajoling, mocking, and driving you at reckless
speed towards a cliff you are actually considering leaping from.....
you do none of those possible futures will come the risk of being seen, being talked to, saying the right
or wrong thing, being complimented or ridiculed, loved or abused
stays firmly in fiction. Which then absolves you from the burden of
choice and the ball you may or may not have put in motion.....
you are safe.....for now.
wasn't sure this time that it was back, but after several months of
physical pain, the uncertainly of my health....and this one incident
in which I waited until 10pm to leave my house just to get milk....
(I hadn't eaten yet that day, I was afraid to be out in the
daylight)....I found the process of this 10 minute activity
excruciating... A panic attack ensued, I was drenched in sweat and
shaking profusely...It was back.
find it incredibly difficult to ask for help when I inhabit this
space, part of the problem is that my brain tells me no-one wants to brain, my instincts are alien to me, in the millions.....
and running...constantly running a series of possible outcomes...all
of them negative...
can't tell you how many times I wanted to take that final
step....just so it would I wouldn't be forced to navigate
this storm....because finding a path through is different every time,
and utterly grueling..
an assault seemingly from some outside source, but its actually
internal. It manages to take up residence inside you and skew every
am currently crawling out of the dark, and its only because of this
story, Robin William's story that I felt urged to share a part of
mine. During some of the other times I've fallen, (which is how I
phrase depression's return) I have been motivated to try and help
those struggling...I don't really have a message today....I am sad
that this very talented man couldn't see a glimmer of light....or the
hint of a horizon, more importantly I am sad because he couldn't take
one more second living with his disease....he couldn't take one more
second....One small part of me is envious because his pain is finally
have wondered why so many people take that last step, what occurs to
me is that there is belief that peace exists on the other side of
that moment...truly exhaling...the end of the torture....but you'll
never be able to really know....because there is no coming back from
that particular moment.
what do you do? I don't have the answers for you, today I chose to
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